H.E.R. Program Ontario: Everything You Need to Know

Provincial rebates offer a range of benefits to both homeowners and businesses.  The programs provide financial incentives for individuals and organizations to make energy-efficient upgrades to their homes and buildings. In the case of the Home Efficiency Rebate (H.E.R. program) in Ontario, many qualified people can benefit economically, environmentally, and superficially from accessing up to […]

Why Do We Use Lean Manufacturing?

At Climatizer, we believe that our legacy is the impact we make on our community. And that includes the environment. Our responsibility to the future is included in our commitment to sustainability. That’s why we employ the business philosophy known as lean manufacturing. As an insulation manufacturer, Climatizer has the responsibility to produce a more […]

Holiday Message & Hours

Happy Holidays from Climatizer Insulation!

The Best Insulation For Your Climate & Weather

Insulation is one of the most important finishing touches of your home. Not only does it save you money on your energy bill every month, but it also helps keep your home at your comfort level. But choosing the best insulation for your climate and weather can be tricky. Whether you experience heat or cold, […]

How Insulation Can Benefit the Environment

As a modern homeowner, you’re right to be concerned about the environmental impact of your home’s building supplies. As awareness of the human impact on ecology grows, there is a greater emphasis on choosing products that are energy efficient, responsibly sourced, and otherwise environmentally ethical. In that regard, insulation is a fantastic tool. Keep on […]

Understanding Climate Zones and Insulation

Avid gardeners aren’t the only ones who need to know which climate zone they live in—homeowners, too, need to be aware. It should go without saying that your home’s insulation needs will depend on the climate where your home is located. Cold climate homes, for example, will require more insulation than warm climate homes—unless, of […]

Spring Newsletter 2022

Spring is here, and with it comes news from Climatizer Insulation! Read our Spring Newsletter below    

Go Green to Save Green: Cellulose Insulation & Energy Efficiency

Just as the weather is starting to cool down, prices are starting to heat up—and we mean way up. In Canada, annual inflation in September of 2021 stood at 4.4%. That’s more than twice the Bank of Canada’s target rate of 2% and is a marked increase from the 0.7% annual inflation from a year […]

2021 Winter Newsletter Introduction

The weather outside is, indeed, frightful. But, as always, our news is so delightful. We know that the falling temperatures put a freeze on most new construction projects. But before you hunker down to hibernate for the winter, make sure that all of your clients are warm and cozy in their homes. Now is the […]

Sustainability for Tomorrow: Passive Home Construction

You may have heard of the passive home craze taking over in recent years, from award-winning actor Bryan Cranston’s home outside of Los Angeles to Toronto’s very first certified passive home in 2019. What you may not heard of is how passive homes are constructed or even what it means to be a passive home. […]